Smoothed by tides,
but not broken.
I want my hard edges to soften.
I want to ride the waves
and go with the flow.
I want to catch a wave
and let it carry me
to where I belong.
I want to be picked up
and held gently by
those who delight in my
well earned patina and
appreciate the changes I went
through to achieve that beauty.
I want to enjoy the journey
and always remember that if
you give the ocean something
breakable it will turn it into
something beautiful.
I want to age like sea glass.
~ Bernadette Noll ~

Someone says or does something that rattles you…
- Something you counted on is suddenly gone…
- Expectations, responsibilities, schedules…it suddenly becomes unbearable
We all want to fix problems fast.
We want to put things back together when they feel broken.
Not knowing the answers can feel dangerous.
But what do you do when your whole world feels uncertain?
When everything suddenly feels out of control, with no solutions in sight?
If you’re feeling physically, mentally, or emotionally off balance, you are not alone.
Everyone experiences overwhelm.
What do you do next?
How do you make good choices and decisions?
How do you come from a place of self-empowerment?
The truth is, you can start from where you are right now and get to anyplace you want to be.
You are capable of Radical Resilience.
What does it mean to be Resilient?
It’s more than just the ability to bounce back from trauma.
Resiience is the skill to manage your life with all its ups and downs, without falling into despair about any of it.
Radical Resilience is about mastering the art of enjoying life under all conditions.
That takes practice.
It begins with a willingness to unlearn everything you thought you knew about yourself, about others, and about life as you thought it was.
Letting go of old habits that don’t serve you anymore seems is simple, but it isn’t easy.
How do you begin?
Take three deep breaths and ask yourself:
- “What if I could react differently?”
- “What if I cared more about feeling good than being right?”
- “What if I truly lived what’s in my heart?”
The Blissful Warrior is a program for meeting new challenges with confidence, clarity and certainty. It’s about prioritizing what matters to you most, and then moving towards it, step by gentle step.

Who am I?
I’m Rhonda Uretzky and I’ve been mentoring, guiding and coaching people of all ages, as a yoga teacher and mindfulness coach, for over 50 years.
I am the author of The Blissful Warrior: Living The Paradox of Peace and Passion for Today’s Empowered Woman, the story of my personal practice in Radical Resilience.
I started Riverflow Yoga, a hot yoga studio in Lambertville NJ in 2008, and in 2010 I developed my own Yoga Teacher Training.
I’ve lead yoga retreats abroad in Greece and Italy.
Throughout my years I’ve taught thousands of students and trained dozens of teachers. I learned that I love sharing what I know and teaching to those who resonate with the desire to be resilient at life.
I created The Blissful Warrior to reach out to thousands more…like you.

The Blissful Warrior Program is about:
- Meditation and Mindfulness
- Mastering The Art of Unknowing
- Cultivating your own priorities
- Creating cooperative relationships
- Gaining physical and emotional balance
- Supportive coaching
- Personal accountability
- Learning this new life skill, at your own pace
You Are Ready To Be Resilient
Are you ready to release your inner Blissful Warrior?
Start with our brief questionnaire and get clear about what you want for yourself, for others, now and for the future.
Then SCHEDULE a FREE PERSONAL CALL with me to dive into your answers together.